Gracestoration Lessons Notebook |
| The Gracestoration notebook, GRACE for the Rest of Your Life is available to order here. This 3-ring binder of 25 lessons includes instructions, the Table of Contents and additional materials. Each individual lesson contains one large card in a sheet protector, pocket dividers with Explanation pages, Notes and Quotes pages, and three small cards for sharing.
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If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email at orders@gracestoration.org and we will communicate with you and complete your order as soon as possible.
The suggested donation for the Gracestoration Notebook, 25 lessons, is $75.00 and for each individual lesson download is $1.00 per lesson per download/print.
Note: The Gracestoration Notebook, Oak Pointe Church Version only contains 24 lessons (at $3.00 each) totaling $72.00.
Gracestoration, Grace for the Rest of Your Life Notebook Contents:
**Not in the Oak Pointe Church Version
A donation to cover the cost of the materials is greatly appreciated. Please calculate the costs as noted above. A donation can be made by sending a check to Gracestoration. If you have questions, please email us at orders@gracestoration.org.
Gracestoration is supported by the voluntary gifts of friends who believe in what God is doing through this ministry. Donations may be made online through PayPal or by sending a check to Gracestoration. Email for more information: info@gracestoration.org. Thank you!